Make a donation.

PA-MR receives ZERO funding from any local, state, or federal government. We rely solely on public donations to support our operations.

Donations help fund our many activities. Training and education, public demonstrations, and most importantly 24/7 emergency response.


  • Liability Insurance

    In order to protect the team and the public that we interact with, we carry multiple insurance policies.

  • Training and Certifications

    Whenever possible, the team will cover the cost associated with attending outside training courses and certifications.

  • Software

    We utilize software programs to dispatch the team, manage searches, and for mapping.

  • Equipment

    Both our operations trailer and boat must be maintained on a regular bases. these assets also incur fuel cost as they must be transported around.

  • Gear

    Bags, ropes, carabiners, helmets, etc. Much of the gear our members used if funded by the team.

  • Supplies

    Gauze pads, bandages, splints and much more.